воскресенье, 19 октября 2008 г.

amazing lifesavers oths

if god did not exist, it would have been necessary to invent him

god...is a sadist.

at least, he would be. If he EXISTED.
so, as you can imagine, yes, i plan to be an atheist. But...

yesterday i went to a retreat house perched atop a mountain.
and i heard mass...
and sat next to a priest...
and had communion---yes, i even dipped the...host...in the cup of wine.
*gasp..then faint dramatically here*---for atheists only

so now?

hmm...pondering on parish involvement, i guess. Wait..

-to be done in a period of 3 quarters, a total of ten hours
-a grand servitude

for an atheist?

but, unfortunately, itapos;s a school requirement.
youre now probably wondering if i had been a good little girl and done my time in the parish.
well, NO. Obviously. Hell, i donapos;t even know the name of the damn parish.
is it a requirement? obviously. Will i do it? nah. Will i fail? maybe. Do i care? as long as i donapos;t do summer classes.

i. Have NEVER�done summer classes. ever.

99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of rum. Take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer on the wall...

roses are wilting. And im still dancing in the rain. :)

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